Asphalt Testing Equipment
Micro Deval Machine IMPACT AG180
Complete with 2 steel drums & steel balls/charges to EN 13450, NF P18-572; Complete with 2 steel drums 200mm diameter x 154mm long & & steel balls/charges (5kg per drum)
Automatic Marshall compactor Wille Geotechnik A2000/2
To produce marshall specimen from hot mix asphalt
Thermostat and external water bath for Penetrometer Wille Geotechnik A4007
Temperature: 25°C, ±0,1°C
Accelerated Polishing Machine Impact AG139
Standards: EN 1097-8, EN 1341, EN 1342, EN 1343, BS 812:114, NF P18-575, CNR N.105
Los Angeles Abrasion Machine with Soundproof Safety Cabinet UTA–0601
The Los Angeles Abrasion Machine is used for determination of the aggregates resistance to fragmentation.